Why do you need a maintenance plan?

The theme platform we are using requires a yearly license renewal from our clients in order to continue to use it. Without a proper license your website will be reversed to the WordPress default theme, most of the advanced features will be no longer available and your site will look very different.

WordPress is an open source CMS which makes it a lot more susceptible to outside threats like hacking and phishing attacks. This requires that the site is constantly monitored and also always up to date when it come to the core WP installation, themes and plugins.

Basic Maintenance

  • 24/7 Security Monitoring
  • Frequent Update Checks
  • Basic Troubleshooting
  • Platform License Renewal
  • Minor Content Updates

Basic Maintenance Plan

Our basic WordPress maintenance plan is essential for ensuring the smooth and secure operation of a website.

This plan includes three crucial components: platform licensing, security monitoring and frequent update checks.

The platform licensing assures that your website is fully functional and looks like you expect. It also includes frequent platform updates which adds new features, bug fixes and other improvements.

The security monitoring feature helps identify and prevent potential security threats by monitoring the website for suspicious activities, malware, or unauthorized access attempts. It provides real-time alerts and ensures immediate action can be taken to address any security issues that arise.

Additionally, regular update checks are performed to keep the WordPress core, themes, and installed plugins up to date. Updates often include bug fixes, performance improvements, and security patches, so staying current is vital for maintaining website functionality and protecting against vulnerabilities. By implementing a comprehensive maintenance plan that includes security monitoring and frequent updates, website owners can enhance their website’s security, stability, and overall performance.

Advanced Maintenance Plan

This comprehensive maintenance plan provides you with all the necessary tools and services to ensure the security and optimal functionality of your website.

With round-the-clock security monitoring, your website will be constantly safeguarded against potential threats and vulnerabilities. Our team of experts will actively monitor your site, promptly addressing any security issues that may arise.

Additionally, this plan includes a fully licensed theme, ensuring that your website has a professional and polished appearance. You can rest assured that your site will stand out with a visually appealing design that aligns with your brand identity.

To further enhance your experience, we offer up to 60 minutes of monthly content updates and support. Simply provide us with your new content, and our dedicated team will efficiently integrate it into your website within a swift timeframe of less than 24 hours.

By subscribing to this plan, you will receive a full year of continuous support and maintenance, giving you peace of mind knowing that your website is in capable hands. We are committed to keeping your website secure, functional, and up to date, so you can focus on your core business activities without any worry.

Advanced Maintenance

  • 24/7 Security Monitoring
  • Frequent Update Checks
  • Platform License Renewal
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Content Support
  • Traffic Reports